Promoting sustainable livelihoods

Philemon Samoei Foundation

The Foundation

Philemon Samoei Foundation is a community-driven Organization that is fully registered in Kenya, We are an independent, non-governmental, non-religious, non-political organization that is committed to serving affected communities all over the country and by extension the Horn of Africa region. we are building equitable, inclusive, and resilient communities for schools and vulnerable communities in Kenya, The foundation is composed of humanitarian assistance personnel, field specialists and professionals who always make sure that the set goals are achieved within specified timeline.

Our Purpose

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, the role of humanitarian relief is more important than ever and thus led to the founding of Philemon. Samoei Foundation. We focus mainly on the well-being of the people in the community and making a positive impact to the society at large by alleviating sufferings, promoting human rights, peace building initiatives, climate change, good governance, social justice and providing aid to those in need regardless of race, nationality, or background.

Our Mission

PHILEMON SAMOEI FOUNDATION is dedicated to fostering sustainable development and social justice through integrated programs that focus on livelihood enhancement, peace building, environmental conservation, disaster management, health promotion, education leadership and good governance.

Pertinent Activities

  • Monitoring intra-community conflicts and gathering relevant information on potential displacements and inform the necessary government authrorities. 
  • We also intervene through mediation and negotiation efforts to conflicting parties so as to reach amicable resolutions.
  • Supply of clean water to informal settlements (Kipsongo, Tuwan and Matisi). 
  • Environmental conservation campaigns through climate action.
  • Construction of toilets and pit latrines in schools within Trans-Nzoia and West Pokot counties.
  • Provision of essential learning materials to pupils.

Support Us

Send your donations via Lipa Na Mpesa

Paybill Number: 4045067

Account Number: P.S Foundation 

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